I haven’t written in a while. The end of Summer when I had hoped to post another blog about classes or whatever became in an instant shattered by tragedy. A car accident took my two beautiful grandchildren and my world stopped. Days passed and I became aware inspite of my grief and pain that the world was still spinning and I had to find a way to move forward. I will be forever grateful for the love and support of friends and community. My soul felt empty and I did not know if I could teach again or paint or if anything would hold meaning again. One day I picked up a brush again. The water flowed, the colours ran, time disapeared and for a short time I felt whole again. I can’t say the end product was worth saving but I felt nurtured and knew that this is where ART becomes not about product but about the process and this is why I love it so much.

“Curving back into myself I create again and again” Vedic scriptures
Another hat I wear is that of expressive arts therapist. I get the question all the time “what is it”? There might be many answers to this question but allowing time and space for the soul’s expression and healing would be one. For myself I knew that I couldn’t fix anything or change what had happened but being fully present to my loss and creating anew in the face of it felt healing and a step forward.
I started Fall classes and they feel good. The Beach Studio Tour is October 21’st , 22, 23rd.
For more information go to http://www.beachstudiotour.ca/ . I would love to see you during the weekend.
A new series of classes will start November 8th and 10th. Please phone 416-699-8609 to reserve a spot or if you have questions. My students are great and the classes are fun.