Ruth Elizabeth Hayes
Toronto, ON
Intuitive art used in dreamwork, personal growth and spiritual awareness and informing weekly group classes. Ruth has a master’s degree from Lesley College and Create Canada in Expressive Arts. She works in the Beach area of Toronto.
Expressing ourselves using the arts has long been a means of caring for the soul and restoring healing energy. During times of personal transition, loss, grief, anxiety and stress, painting can be an effective way to manage feelings and find a deeper understanding.
Developing an awareness and relationship to the images we create can bring resolution and change. Visual arts can be used in many ways from relaxation, stress reduction, guided visualization, or manifesting desired change. No talent or experience is necessary as we are all creative at our core.

Ruth a visionary artist in watercolour and she is also an excellent teacher. She holds a friendly and inspiring space, with enough instruction to get you going and to learn new things, but lots of respect and space for your own creativity to emerge. I highly recommend her as an artist and as a teacher.
“Art is the proper task of life:
art is life’s metaphysical exercise”
~ Neitzsche
Painting is an opening, an invitation to play and flow with colour, rarely knowing where it will lead me. My work is inspired by the landscape, figures, symbols and abstract forms and colours. I love the transparency and spontaneity of watercolours but find exciting the versatility of working in Acrylic. What continues to intrigue me is the dialogue that happens between the painter and the painting. This is when my art becomes a bridge to other realms. Symbols, archetypal energies and myth weave in and out creating magic and alchemy that will hopefully dance between the viewer, the painting and the painter.
Art is a path that connects me to both the seen and unseen. Shamanstree is a name that covers my creative pursuits from my individual painting to teaching art classes or using art as personal growth. According to Shamanic legend the central axis of the tree connects heaven and earth and all aspects of life. It is through creating that the magic of this connection is awakened. So it is with a certain humility that I paint because I must and it is with joy that I hope I inspire others to paint and it is with a silent presence that I witness this creative energy working in others through my private practice in expressive arts.
Ruth lives in the Beach area of Toronto Canada and has painted for most of her life. She has a B.A. in fine arts and M.A. in Expressive arts therapy. Her paintings have been sold and exhibited throughout Canada and the U.S. with her work in private and corporate collections. Paintings can be viewed from her home studio by appointment or at upcoming exhibits.
Featured Work

Woods of Wisdom

Nulla quis lorem

Fall Trees

Mixed Media

Summer invitation
Figurative Watercolour
Framed 16”x20”
Open Hours
By Appointment