August Watercolour Art Camp
The July art camp was great fun and I am offering a similar version of it for August.
Fluffy clouds in a summer sky, a horizon of deep blue water melting
into endless sky, children playing on the beach or the cool green shade of
nearby trees provide a backdrop for a fabulous art experience.
Inspiration provided by nature abounds.
The opportunity is being offered again the week of
August 19th-23 rd .
Instead of a full week it will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10 am- 1pm
Fee: $175.00
If weather is not perfect or if preference is inside there is space to set up a few doors away from the park. My home and studio is nearby.
Sharing ideas and inspiration within a small group of artists is part of the fun.
I look forward to seeing any who would like to return or meeting new participants.
If you think you would like to attend or more information you can email me
Ruth Hayes
[email protected]
or phone
Open Hours
By Appointment