Painting and the Creative flow

Mist of Magic   Watercolour by Ruth Hayes
15″ x 22″

      I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.  Joan Miro

Another year is coming to a close and I look back over  the flow of paintings  that were like visitors to my world, not all of them easy. From all of them I am grateful for the learning. I have my stack of in-completes that might someday be finished and there are the others that received a title and even a frame. How does an artist know when a painting is finished? It is a question often asked. I joke that only when it is out of my possession is it finished.
    I would call myself more an intuitive painter and often start with an inspiration even if it is only colour play.
At some point in the painting however the reality of how to create a good painting takes over. Composition meets inspiration and there they struggle. The struggle is keeping it alive  but also making it a strong piece of work. I think sometimes it is like life. How do we keep our dreams alive and make them work in the real world. Not every dream meets reality. That’s ok. With a little time over the holidays I hope to return to my stack of unfinished dreams and perhaps finish one or two more.
    Watercolour classes start again in January of 2015 and the details are on my classes page.
Have a great Holiday Season!